Translation of one of my Arabic poems

The String's Moan

The String's Moan
By Abdellatif Rhesri

Stars are moaning

Scattering the beads of the poem's chaplet

Screeching at the earshot of the night :

This evening, germs are infesting the inside of the moon

The bells of darkness are chiming

Tolled by the hand of danger

The river is lying awake in the bosom of quietude

Waiting for the appearance of the hazel eyes

And the lush lily there is longing for something

And watching the tender shaking of the trees

Why are the light sails sinking ?

Why does not the dew scarf cover the fruits' heads ?

Why are the lanterns lurking in the shade ?

Why has the dove coo abated ?

And the canoe of this spring, why is it departing in sight ?

And the bunches of this sunset, why are they breaking down,

Falling over the mounts surrounding the town,

Over the moan of the string ?

Yet, poetry is defending the flow of the flood,

Tha plain's gasp,

The hills' confession thet falls down in abundance

And the flies of groaning are humming

Addressing the black colour on the cheeks of bees :

Get going so that the colour of flowers may take your place !


Poetry by Abdellatif Rhesri
Read 282 times
Written on 2009-06-24 at 23:12

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