Many of us may feel the pain of having to say goodbye to someone we love for various reasons.
And though some of us have the courage to, it could have either a good or bad effect. But you'll never know till you try, even if it fails in the end.


I want you to know that I love you.
That my heart will always be yours.
That everything I said was true.
And to what I feel now, there is no cure.

I said I'd always be there,
I'm sorry I've left you in this world.
Bit since when was life fair?
I'll never forget you, till I die old.

You are the person I'd give up my life to.
But I'm scared, maybe too weak to venture more.
What other thing do you suggest I do?
When you are the only thing that i adore.

I'm so scared of me being the only one,
The only one who always shows her love and care.
But I'm tired, so I guess my work here's done.
And you have nothing more to give or share.

You've said goodbye to me so many times,
so easily, carefree and blithe.
You made me feel like nothing sometimes.
And for you to never see, showed me that you were blind.

Living like this endlessly,
Would hurt me and my heart so much.
Why stop showing your love for me?
Your words now feel like an ice cold touch.

You changed and it was torture
Why did you leave me in my time of need?
Never would I have used your heart to puncture.
Why couldn't you just love me and let it be?

Goodbye was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
So much strength it took to me to say.
But when those many times came for me to say it to you.
It pierced my soul, leaving my sanity to fade.

So now, I leave you with these simple lines.
This may be the biggest mistake i ever made.
I'll love you, but I'm not blind.
You stopped loving me, and now my heart's forever.......frayed.

Poetry by Rawwwwwr Fear Me :]
Read 1164 times
Written on 2009-06-29 at 02:00

Tags Love  Goodbye  Pain 

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Beautiful how your heart&soul pours upon paper
Gifted poet you are!!
lovely indeed


Tom and Ryker's friend I would imagine?

I like your romantic style. The meter is slightly off, especially in the 5th stanza, but it doesnt detract. Well done on this.

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
You are a very wise poet
for your age and on re-reading this
I am going to



liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
This speaks in volumes
of hurt and I think you have
expressed it in your flow and
rhyme structure really well
