
I can beg you to ease my newly formed wounds.
For your gentle touch to stop the bloom.
So much good as come from my ways
Yet we play love and pride filled games.

After all the bandages we've had to hide.
I was forming into one of your expert lies.
Glued, so securely to your heart.
Yet at an instant, you ripped us apart.

So shy I never could look you in the eye.
Now, as I do, I see you wish me to die.
You deny hating my skin and bones
And with that, my ambition you postpone.

Let me drown you in my feelings, so you can see.
A mirror image of the inner depths of me.
Whithering flowers dispersed through my heart.
They now die as you gradually tear me apart.

A man must muster the strength to fight for his love
So explain those long knives you've shoved.
Aiming for my vital pieces of living space,
I see that the tears, the blood is now what you embrace.

Chances blown apart by weakness, a fearful lion.
And still the cuts you gain, I attempt to soften.
Surrendering to you, you ripped me to shreds.
Now all over the important pieces you tread.

I'm a being, breathing, but beyond repair.
Immersing into a helpless pit of despair.
And you watch, feeling proud of your crime.
Yet you're the only one who can make me shine.

Poetry by Rawwwwwr Fear Me :]
Read 783 times
Written on 2010-08-30 at 18:38

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