Ill: Kkc


There is a raven
sitting on my roof
and some bad bad thoughts
about you on the lose
The shiny black and evil bird
can read my mind and destroy my world
the thoughts of you, though
far more worse
so well designed
so well rehearsed
Raven, would you find out how they're doing....

There are 365
of my darker days
I could have traded them
for something light instead
But the raven never leave it's place
And the thoughts of you
is all my gloom
so well prepared
for every mood
Raven, would you fly down there to sooth them

It's spilling jazz from somewhere
There's something going on
I try to find some atmosphere
but the feeling is long gone

From the whisper
between lines in that song
to some voices shouting
at the top of their lunges
I want to take that silent alley road
But the raven's on my shoulder, so...
And my heart is going
boom boom boom
so furious
so dark and blue
Raven, you can rest here on my shoulder

It's spilling jazz from somewhere
The circus is in town
I try to find the atmosphere
but find just cold cold ground

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1606 times
Written on 2009-07-14 at 12:04

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
A dark and drawing tale, that pulls the reader along, with some trepidation but need for more. Very effective.

Kathy Lockhart
there is the darkness that lingers and follows us where we go. you have brought it so personally here through this Raven. It is lyrical. I hear a blues rhythm.

love the gloomy,dark atmosphere in it.

and i love the last four lines:)

It's spilling jazz from somewhere
The circus is in town
I try to find the atmosphere
but find just cold cold ground
