Found a text to a song, written by
someone in 1944, and who had sent it to my parents.
Would like to share this..........despite its sadness

Dance me to the end of love!

Dance me to the end of love
let me see your beauty

touch me with your naked hand
dance me to the lovers land

hold me, kiss me, never be apart
from your gentle heart

Dance me to our wedding
our never ending love

dance me to the children
wanting to be born

dance us to our happiness
never to be torn

Insanity turned destiny
dancing both to our death

in never ending love
life was not for us to be


Poetry by Northlight
Read 1132 times
Written on 2009-07-15 at 17:11

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
written well enough to bring a tear to the reader


Christian Lanciai
It seems to me very modern and timeless...

very sad, but interesting song. Thanks for sharing

Northlight this is indeed sad, but quite inspiring. It reminds me so much of a song by Leonard Cohen, of the same title. Cohen is my god, as far as music goes, so I have sent you a clip of his song via youtube. (You will either love or hate it!)
Thankyou for the very imaginative comment on my H20 poem, I loved it.