Ill: Kkc
Maja Ratkje and Joelle Leandre @ Molde Jazz Festival
Maja :
Joelle :


I've been to planet jazz
in center of a hurricane
there's no directions
no maps of how to travel there
You're beamed or roughly pushed
maybe gently led
You wouldn't care
because when you arrive my friend
captured by the atmosphere
in this unnamed hemisphere
there's only Here and Now

Planet Maja and Joelle
with no words could I ever tell
the beauty of that place
The rainbow color of a voice
The northern light disguised in noise
Machine computer come to life
with soul and rhythm realized
That double bass must be alive
I'm sure I saw it smile
Or maybe I'm already dead
sent here to this heaven..?

But care about the how's and whys
the only words that comes to mind
is: - How I love it here !

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1535 times
Written on 2009-07-19 at 15:24

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