
I feel like life is white,
Just a blank page as we go by,
We could imagine some of the most outrageous dreams,
And never see em.

Were like a picture that some kid draws,
But instead of red and blue,
It's white,
Even white walls.

I look to my left,
I look to my right,
But i don't see any colors in sight.

As i jump for the moon,
As maybe it were there,
All i see is a blank page at stare.

Days are passing,
Months are flying by,
And i yet to see any colors fall into my eyes.

The story behind this story is very very true,
It's about a young girl who had the lonesome blues,
Her uncle died young,
And it broke the young girls heart,
But now she is happy,
With a sparkles as bright as the stars.

It took more than family,
It took more than friends,
It took GODS loving grace and healing hands.

I still have down times when i think off him,
But i know one day we will be hand in hand.

Poetry by janis long
Read 228 times
Written on 2009-07-24 at 06:08

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