
SWEETSWORDS 7 [ Gemini ]

SWEETSWORDS 7 [ Gemini ]


By Poga Humayun Dundiwala

In my pure pious bacteria some evil satanic virus
They infest my carcass to pollute my soul
There are some fire breathing jinn inside my water bowl

In my pure pious thought some evil satanic sin
They put advanced arguments in topic too thin
The thin line of good and bad slightly insane or completely mad

Poga Say's in a foolington maze

Elementary pleasure and peril and compound of man
Elementary good and evil and combination of human
Elementary senses and smell of fear
Screaming vision and silent ear

Elementary pleasure and peril
Erotic Eros and deadly azraeel
Dance of Shiva and dust of Madan
In pleasure of Eden or peril of abaddon

Poetry by poga
Read 260 times
Written on 2009-07-25 at 06:37

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