This isn't really a poem, and it's too short to be a story... So, just words, maybe.


She hummed where she sat, cross-legged among the billows of night-kissed sand. Unseeing eyes dimmed with dreams, she listened to the song of the sea. The loneliness wasn't as hard to bear when the morning sun smiled, tenderly kissing sleepy, blushing clouds as he awoke them to a golden dawn.

Her nimble fingers added straw to straw, braiding a garland of memories while waves rolled in to kiss the hem of her dress. The sweet breath of lilies whispering to the night, the gentle ruffle of southern winds playing with his hair, the bright joy of a rainbow's dance through a hall of mirrors - the braid took form and shape under her hands.

Gossamer veils of sunlight settled among the dunes while she worked. Only here, in the moment where ethereal longing blossomed, did her aching heart find peace.

Words by Alice Fern
Read 373 times
Written on 2009-08-01 at 20:51

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