Revised and reposted with new artwork. The artwork is also located in a larger format in my miscellaneous exhibitions.

A Frog's Kiss

The temperate dawn's luminous lights
warmed and aroused Earth's garden delights.
A slumbering morning glory raises her head
as her blue petaled bells stretch and spread.

Violet-blue gentians are folded still,
awaiting relief from the evening's chill.
In radiant warmth their blossoms grew
into perennial bouquets and tonic brew.

Growing with Gray's Lily and Solomen's Seal
were soothing herbs, sweet flowers that heal.
Love's fairytale is in the forest of make-believe
near yellow wood-sorrels with green trefoil leaves.

A magic kiss is awaiting a little green frog,
under the ranunculus, down by the damp bog
where a lavender light fills the fantasy's dusk,
warming the love lingering in luminous lust.


Warm and aroused inside Earth's garden's delights,
Blossoms lay in flower beds the rest of the night.
And the Prince of a frog no longer will grieve

by the yellow wood-sorrels with green trefoil leaves.




Poetry by melanie sue
Read 963 times
Written on 2009-08-13 at 06:45

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
The poem complements the picture very well. Softly meandering just like the brook in the picture. A touch of whimsical and melancholy for the frog to, which i like. Enjoyed the read :-)

Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
Very beautiful!
Wonderful pictures
bloom in my mind
when reading these words.

Phyllis J. Rhodes
Disarmingly charming!

oh how sweet...shall i give him my magical kiss??? ;-)


Lovely :) It reminds me of when I used to go camping of how dewy and fresh everything was in the morning! The picture matches it beautifully too. Charlie

this is a beautifull relaxing poem. I enjoyed reading it. thanx for the great poem.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This is gorgeous melanie, a real pleasure to read and absorb - I found it calming and soothing on eye and ear :-)

Elle x

Kathy Lockhart
so beautifully written Melanie. The painting landscape of nature's gifts touched by the brush of each word from your marvelous mind mends and blesses my soul. Poet dear poet, thou aren't lovely. kathy : )

chuma okafor
Wonderful! i was spell bound till i finished this one...i specially like the rhyme and the structure of the poem,you are good.Cheers

Magic! :)

Lovely Melanie!!
What a grand garden! Special the 4th verse!!
Thank you,