Inspired by how people sometimes just want to be noticed and not ignored as they choose not to ignore people.
Also, how people don't want to be alienated from situations and other people, when they welcome others with open arms.


Do you see me?
Hear what I say?
Do you know I am here?
What I look like?

I don't want your acceptance
Your love
Your hate
This is all too easy to give
But compensate
For that
Just see me

I don't crave your acceptance
Your smile
Your nod
This is not what I want
My God
I pray
Just see me

I don't need your acceptance
Your laugh
Your voice
Listen to what I am saying
Know my choice
My view
Just hear me

I don't beg your acceptance
Your friends
Your vice
Just a moment
Will suffice
To speak
Just hear me

You didn't see me?
Nor hear what I said?
Realise I was here?
Did you look?

I accept your apology
And apologise
For my

Poetry by CE.
Read 302 times
Written on 2009-08-22 at 21:22

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To be or not to be accepted!
But who doesnt take a second glance
Or chooses to ignore....they are missing out
in looking your way,or dont see the beauty
that lies within,or on the outside...I try to understand
why some people choose to not accept you for what you believe in or who we choose to love...but its their loss and at times it is very hard when one doesnt accept you or tries to change your beliefs or tries to control your life....but when you are accepted with open arms,,nothing compares for the embrace of acceptence!!and who doesnt,,,hmm hogwashes over them!!
loved this write,,and I could go on and on,I better remove my batteries,,the are Energizor :P
