This is unfinished and rether self explanitory.


I know I've got a crush;
When I think of him like Kush on wings: everything I need, when and how I want it;
when I pray to run into him, just like I do in my dreams;
when I get jealous of all the women on his face book profile;
when I am inflicted with giggling, butterflies, muteness and stupidity all rolled into one and all he said was hi, a whole month ago!!!
I know I've got a crush because:
When I want to be all put together for what I think he'll be, and at the same time I'm too scared to be authentic or rather who I strive to be;
when I question my sanity around him; Hide my insecurities only to have them speak volumes of auto biography.

Words by Cugu
Read 375 times
Written on 2009-09-02 at 17:46

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