Another poem to add to the collection, if you read this please leave a comment good or bad b/c i havn't been getting many.

Well I Really Don't Know.

See they ask me why it is this way,
Why is there a night and then a day,
I just shrugg my shoulders and start to think,
As I watch the dish water run out of the sink,
It never fails to blow my litttle small mind,
The questions they ask are the weirdest kind,
But they need to be answered by some one besides me,
I am not smart enough to even start to understand or see,
I am not what I used to be I can't answer them anymore,
My mind has been stretched pulled and in spots even tore,
So when you need the solution,
For your tests on revolution,
And on science and History,
To me it is all a big mystery,
You need help but don't ask me though,
Why? Just because I really don't know.

Poetry by Justin
Read 504 times
Written on 2006-02-12 at 07:39

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Know what you mean as long as someone knows it's ok ^_^