
show yourself
im sick of this game

you make me so insane
i dont know your name

show yourself
stop this pain

only you can end this damn suffering
please lead me there

i taste you in everyone
i always leave bleeding

always turned away
by all of the fucking grey

i want purple and yellow
so sick of being alone

all i want is the search to be over
all i want is my fit, to be sober

i look for you everyday in everyboy
are you even close?

they tell me to quite looking that you will find me
but i cant wait im ready for we

i am so broken
can i manage

its doubtful i am sure
but thinking of you is pure

all you are is a beautiful blur
in the future i hope is sure

o i hope for it so much
i weep for your touch

where are you?
show yourself...

Poetry by Jet
Read 250 times
Written on 2009-09-14 at 07:59

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Amy Valentina
Hi Jet,
That's a Good one...keep it up.


Amy Valentina
Hi Jet,
That's a Good one...
keep it up.


Amy Valentina
Hi Jet,
That's a Good one...
keep it up



by Jet
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