

The boy in the window
is looking at me
all from his lonely posture
I feel
He wants to come out
he wants to come out and play
but times are too shroud
his bullies so loud
they will soon come and
drag him away

The boy in the window
I smile back at him
I miss him a so much from the years
we were free
We sat with a book
we danced down a road
but everything's changed
our lives rearranged
since they came
and took him away

Our days were so brilliantly clever and daft
moments of truth down familiar paths
we were brothers I thought
fooling myself
I knew it would never last

The boy in the window
how sad is he now
or happy perhaps
to be right in his crowd
I shouldn't have come
should let those be gone
But I sit here and wave
in silently prayer
please let him come out
and play

The boy in the window
is not longer there
the curtains are drawn
and the dogs that I fear
are let out the door
to chase me away
I get up and go
where... I don't know
it don't seem to matter
no more

Our days were so brilliantly clever and daft
moments of magic down familiar paths
we were brothers I thought
fooling myself
I knew it would never last

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1661 times
Written on 2009-10-13 at 14:15

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Alla Antares
Dear PapaFahr, I like your poems indeed. But I can't find out the information what country you are from. Can you tell me? It is nesessary foe my research about poetry and poets. Thank you very much.