Im sure youll get the jist of it

passion filled the night

Passion filled the night

A Frangpani flower ooses fragrance once behind a womans ear,
so sexy the goddess as she walks into the night,
I walk beside her embraced with laughter and a smitten grin from beer
chance meeting of two like minded souls we strolled on in the moon light.

So sexy the goddess,miss frangapani as your scent so sweet,
Pheramones combine, the passion filled the night
almond eyes and blue green meet
breath the joy of sex,inhance the time imbrace ,sand,sunrise pink.All right!!

resting in sweat with hearts pounding , breath there has been no race.
heartbeats thumping as the day break is here
A lone Joggers ogle two twisted bodies embrace
Thats what happens mixxing franapani and beer

Passion filled the morning

Poetry by kit deger
Read 294 times
Written on 2009-10-28 at 17:26

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