People tend to focus on their own daily rituals. Life doesn't.

The Beginnings of the Day...

Fog drifts in and out,
Coating forest limbs and trunks-
Wetting the summers moss
And dousing the sweet chirps
Of wet-winged green crickets.

No spaces to rush to,
No places to hide under,
Just liquid dew to quench
A thirsty morning-glory's
Twisted blossom unfurling for today.

Even the preacher's red eye
Sunday morning sermon
Seeps so slowly into the unsaved
Soul of the weary and worn sinner.
As the fog rolls out for the day...

Poetry by Morpheus
Read 788 times
Written on 2009-11-01 at 03:27

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Doreen Cavazza
Very nice. I get the feeling of dawn just coming over the horizon, cool, damp, laid back and slow, the feeling of being one with the earth.....this is so good. Thank you for sharing. I like the flow of this and the words that you used to bring out the mental images.

Yes! I too love this time of the mornings where I live...a small green tip of britain where the fog drifts in and settles on the fine landscape changing the scenery as the day capture the natural beauty of your day, in fine form. I loved the third stanza! Quite brilliant in imagery.

so true about life just getting on with being wonderful around us.

Smiling at you


This is lovely.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Enjoyed this vey much , Joel. In minds eye , I imagined my self in a log cabin up in the mountains. Making a mug of tea , going out side , mist slowly lifting , revealing the beauty unspoilt naitcher all around me. Just the sound of the birds in song , a black she bear with her cubs . Me saying '' good morning mum'' , '' good to see you and your cubs'' , '' wait a minuet , I have some nuts fore you all''.
Your poem has me writing , mate. Thank you .

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Morpheus,
There a melancholy charm to this piece! The fog, dew and moss are well used to create the atmosphere of gloom.
I love the imagery here, 't
he fog drifts in and out',
'wetting the summer's moss',
'just the liquid dew to quench
A thirsty morning glory's
Twisted blossom unfurling for today'
All work so well for me.