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Member since 2009-09-13
Has written 115 comments

Has received 35 applauds


I love the wee hours. I love the absolute stillness, the sigh of breeze as though the universe is taking a deep breath of relaxation after a long day of chaos. Peaceful bliss. This is when I thrive.

I create worlds within my head and transfer them through pen to paper:
Welcome to my inner sanctum.

Doreen Cavazza

MY TEXTS, Archive 8 Texts

Home (6) - 2011-03-02
Labyrinth (1) - 2011-03-02
Thorns (2) - 2011-01-07
Sapphire Sky (2) - 2011-01-02
Untitled (RATED MATURE) (2) - 2010-09-03
Blood-lust (2) - 2010-06-17
Lessons Learned (3) - 2010-06-04
Fire and Ice (2) - 2010-03-21

"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia. ~E.L. Doctorow"