it is straigth from my heart


Love like it was meant to be:,

I loved you the love that was meant to be
The love that made one feel free
With my heart I lved you and my soul was bounded to you
I oved you and didn't ask you to do

I loved you with my heart and and my soul
I loved you thought my eyes never seen you whole
And I waited and dreamt of you
Dreamt that one day my dream will come true

That dream caused us to be happy
That dream bring us joy
The idea saved my life
Dreaming of you made me go througth
Go throught my proplems in life
Living happy and assured
Assured that however life is hard
Our dream will one day come true

My life was dedicated to you
My effort was to make me suitable for you
I changed to the better for you
Cause I belived you deserved me to do
And now when I became on the first step of perfection
I feel our dream will not come true

I know I still don't get the idea
I know I still not believing it true
But soon I will get it
I will get that I lost you
I have had you the light of my life
And your sound was my reason to live
But I think I lost you
I belive I lost my self

How am i not going to talk to you
How can I live with knowing
I will not talk to you
And that is too hard to do
My life is ending I know
And the more I get it real
The sooner my life will be througth

I yet don't belive what I am in
I yet believe it is a dream
But I know in the deep of my heart
I know I lost you
You will not be near me
I will never be near you
My life is ending
And what is most hurting
That it is against you
You made me live happy
And you would have always do
I don't believe I will never even talk to you

That is the end of my life
That is all it will be
I don't have the courage e
To make my last stand
We have won many battles
But yet we are losing our war
We are dead or even
Doesn't have the strength to do
To do what will
Some how help our love go thorough

I don't know what to say
I think I will never do
But if I lived
Be sure I am dead without you

Poetry by moustafa mahmoud fathy
Read 250 times
Written on 2009-11-13 at 21:44

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