THE poem suggests how positive attitudes and noble feelings focused on being kind and compassionate to others can bring us true peace and equanimity. One can escape unnecessary nerve-shattering worries that cause us futile wakefulness by leading a humble


Bear malice to none;
Be humble and patient;
Shun envy and greed
Sleep like a babe

Never be shallow and proud;
Never be thankless and mean;
Be kind to the poor and lowly
Sleep like a babe

Seek knowledge and wisdom;
Be generous and forgiving;
Do not be lazy and negligent
Sleep like a babe

Do not pine and crave for past
Do not brood over old sorrow and loss
Nor be scared of new dawns and morns
Savour heartily God's boons and blessing
Sleep like a babe
Find time to listen and ponder
Seek to scatter joy and happiness
Learn from your faults and follies
Sleep like a babe
Prefer to give rather than receive
Choose to pray rather than curse
Rejoice in what you have
Sleep like a babe

Give comfort to others
Serve people a day and night
Even they be thankless
Sleep like a babe

Give thanks freely
Be kind to all and sundry
Pay respect even to strangers
Sleep like a babe

Poetry by ASLAM bAZMI
Read 378 times
Written on 2009-11-30 at 15:31

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