this was my English course work, so i thought i'll put it on poetbay :)


It was a dark a stormy night the wind howled though the air, the faint cry of a mother and her younger sibling, the rumble of the earth as the thing approached, he felt the salty tear role down his cheek from his left eye, he hoped no he prayed that it would be a quick and painless death. Who was he kidding he know it would be slow and painful he saw his friends get ripped to shreds, there screams still echoed though his skull, a seconded tear. 'Boom... boom... boom...' the claws of this gigantic beast cracking at the ground it walked on. It was all over for Ben, death at 13 years old, he hasn't even lived his life yet.
Sorry I'm getting ahead of myself, Ben Harrison is the everyday boy, he likes to go out and have a kick about with his mates, doesn't muck about in class and generally gets on with everyone, but the day his mum died his life fell apart. He had already lived his entire life with out a dad and now with out a mum also it was horrific, he didn't talk to anyone and fought of anyone who tried to touch him. This also meant he couldn't get a good adoptee and was doomed to live the next five year's in a child's home.

Tow years after the death of his mum and Ben still hasn't said a word, if someone spoke to him he would just look at them though big lonely eyes.
"Ben dinner is ready, come on downstairs" Anna said –Anna was a twenty year old social worker, who not to be rude but she didn't no what she was doing-. A loud hissing sound sharp and high made Ben's ears bleed, the noise lasted for about 15 seconds than stopped. When Ben had the courage to open his eyes Anna was dead her hole bottom half was missing, her guts streamed out of her body like spaghetti and meatballs and steamed on the floor, at that point Ben was hunched over on all fours blowing chunks all over the floor and his own hands.

Short story by Blake ashleigh
Read 468 times
Written on 2009-12-02 at 07:10

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