Salty Kisses

The first day of a new year
Blesses me again with a new passion
Kissed by the ocean today I was
Whooping and screaming
With every dip into the salty waves
I have never sailed like this before
No motors, just the strength of the sea
And the mighty wind
Harnessed by a yellow sail
Counterweighting with our bodies
Scrambling across, lest we tip
The spray hitting my face
I laughed out loud like a child

I found myself awash with memories
I remembered my grandfather
He loved to sail, it was his passion
We felt the loss of him heavily,
Just three months gone
I will never forget the look
On my mother's face as we waited
At Christmas dinner, for him
To say grace, before we ate with tears
I know he is not gone forever
Today I felt his spirit in the water
The exhilaration and the freedom
And now I know, he still lives within me...

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 632 times
Written on 2010-01-01 at 09:38

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautifully written and beautiful memories

xxx STan

Rob Graber
"I have never sailed like this before"--beautiful description of how we keep loved ones alive! (Note that line 20 needs "mother's.")