it's sometimes not easy being rich when you go broke...but it's a little easier being broke when you've never been's all sometimes still a bitch!

bottom of the well

bottom of the well

walking through the Recoleta always depresses me.
for i feel the contrast between rich and poor bear down on me so heavily
and as I walk along
i see the classy people
eating classy meals
in classy joints
and my hunger and frustrations grow
as I feel my ribs pressed hard against my skin.

i see the pretty ladies walking past me
and another kind of hunger grows,
this hunger too out of my reach
so neither can I satisfy
neither can I afford
it's cheaper to just vanish
or slip into the villas across the tracks
and mingle with the feeble minded,
the intellectually poor
yet I feel like my time is at hand
feel like glory is long overdue
feel like it's time I reap the seeds of genius I have sown
time to do away with the mediocre budget
my constant feeling of nutritional abandonment,
I'm feeling like the dawn of a new day is before me,
as gloom seems to want to swallow me up
and spit me out
into the same tomorrow.

Poetry by paul perry
Read 281 times
Written on 2010-02-08 at 18:27

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