I can't f*cking bring myself to a shrink... It's just too much, I don't know where I'd begin and how long it'd take before I got locked up which I truly do not want in any circumstances. Unless locked up would mean being kept on Earth... that I'm fi

Diagnose this

I am indeed
I surely must be
Why, oh why would I
be such a compulsive liar
such a social lunatic
and ruthlessly egoistical
struggling for my own sake?

I am mad
I must indeed be
How, oh how could I
stop being such a phobic
less of exaggeration
and more of gentle timidity
struggling for other's lives?

I am surely
Mad I must be
When, oh when will I
quit being me and I yet myself
drinking delusions for water
breathing my own despair
struggling as I am too scared?

Poetry by Little Miss Sorrow
Read 721 times
Written on 2010-02-15 at 21:35

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I think we are all the "M" in Mad &thee "S" in sanity.I did have a chuckle of the induced climax to your poem:) I guess the madness in me rubs off in everything I see :) Frustration and illusion,in ones frame of mind.But tis remember,you are just the same as us(we the people) trust in the madness that keeps us sane.So I guess I belong to the Mclub! its ok!! you wouldnt be human if you were sane!! cheeers,nice to read you my Madness friend:)

The last word is the key.