This is a poem I wrote for school.

The Only Thing That keeps Me Going

I hurt all over in pain,
All of this pain is in my soul,
My bodi is fine and okay,
It was complete but now it's not whole.

The darkness is so sad,
For in it no shadows roam,
But so is the lighted time,
For in it I can see my old home.

People tell me to just chill,
So I sit back and try,
But I can't hold it in,
Because I would cry.

I am not a person to weep,
And that is the truth,
But I keep on remembering,
Memories of my youth.

Some days are really good,
But some are so bad,
Mist days are happy,
Then again a lot are sad.

The only thing that keeps me going,
I thank you for being so cool,
Is all me friends and teachers,
Here at Alleghany High School.

Poetry by Justin
Read 500 times
Written on 2006-02-24 at 02:29

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