
Can you imagine the mothers that cried,
When they heard their sons got fried,
Or can you picture the god forbid smell,
Of thousands of jews burning like in hell,
And the Nazi's just threw down there hat,
And said it's hot I am glad we're done with that,
Then went home and took a little rest,
How could they carry that on their chest,
I will never know and never see,
I guess they were stronger than me,
Can you imagine how it felt,
To feel their own flesh melt,
Or can you think of the pain,
Of the burns on their brain,
To death they carried their innocence,
But they were burned like a candle or incence,
And then Hitler knew he wouldn't last,
But he really will survive only in the past,
As a crazy german that killed,
And buried the bodies in a field,
But he once stood so brave snd so tall,
And fried them jews for no reason at all,
In the ovens he torched them gray and black,
There was something in his brain he did lack,
He felt no sorrow or remorse,
His voice was so strong and so coarse,
And the Germans did what he said,
And they are sorry now that they are dead,
For they have to listen to the demon's cry,
As they sit in the pits of hell and rot and fry.

Poetry by Justin
Read 490 times
Written on 2006-02-24 at 03:11

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Oh this is so awful,
I have (or shall I say i should have had)
relatives that were taken to concentration camps, burnt gassed and tortured.
I feel sick just thinking about it.

what a wonderful text!!!
amber lynn

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Well done.