A joke poem for my brother and cousin which think that they are in love.

Pains of Love

Well outside the rain is falling,
And the boys are on the phone calling,
But the boys just sit and cry,
And ask the sweet lord why,
The girls were just not at their home,
But they were there if the truth was known,
They were with another man in their little bedroom,
I don't know what they were doing making wuppie I assume,
The next day at school the girls play it off,
And tell them they were at the doctor for a bad cough,
Well today the sun is shining,
But the boys are just whining,
For they found out what was really going down,
How the girls were with every man in this town,
All I hear are screams of anger,
I guess they will have to find a stranger,
And sit down and talk to them,
But it will be the same thing again.

Poetry by Justin
Read 507 times
Written on 2006-02-25 at 02:05

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yes Justin .... a good read here . Well presented with a twist and turn along the way . Good ! ..... Glen ( GB )