My religous views.

Jesus Loves No One.

Well the holyrollers and shouters come out at night,
And talk about until the end the devil they'll fight,
But they are all crazy if you ask me,
I can't believe in something I can't see,
But they say to get down on your knees and pray,
And try to tell me what I should in my own words say,
Mr.Preacher Mr.Preacher how good does this prayer sound,
Fuck this shit jesus if you loved me my dad would be around,
And my uncle would still drive around in his truck,
Your are just another stupid ass retarded fuck,
And if you loved my uncles and dad or grandmother,
You wouldn't have took their fucking son and brother,
Mr.Preacher now you better say amen in the house,
Mr.Preacher why are you as quite as a mouse,
Is that not apropriate for me to say,
How about fuck god he is so gay,
And how Mr. preacher can you by the altar stand,
And beg for money with out asking just give a command,
Well give your tides and here is the offering give to it too,
Give jesus some money he has bills to pay just like you,
Well jesus hasn't ever gave me a fucking dime,
He has made my life as bitter as a rotten lime,
If he really is there which I doubt he is,
But if he is he really isn't worth a piss,
So Mr.Preacher don't tell me these lies,
I love jesus like I love nats, roaches, and flies,
In other words I wish he you would leave me alone,
And if I die don't say how you would weep and moan,
For me to go to heaven someday,
You piece of shit I hope you didn't pray,
For maybe I am just crazy in the head,
But to me jesus body soul and all is dead.

Poetry by Justin
Read 531 times
Written on 2006-02-25 at 03:32

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There is a message in the wind...
When the birds sing their song,
And when you went to sleep last night,
He made the moon shine all night long...
You are still his child.