I know that I write depressing poems, but I think it's easier to write depressing things. Maybe because I'm depressed?

Somewhere new

You just ignore all my signs
You're ignoring all my life
You don't care how I feel as long as you're happy

I remember all those days he arrived at our place
I couldn't sleep or eat I only cried

Can't you see it's tearing me apart?
I want to go somewhere happy
I want to go somewhere everyone understands me
i want to go somewhere new...

People starring at my arms
they look at my eyes
I know they can feel that somethings wrong
except you I thought I knew

I want to be free
I want him to dissapear
I want him away form here

Can you see what kinda person I've become?
Can you feel how strong I want to move away?

Can you see me at all?

Poetry by MJF
Read 282 times
Written on 2010-04-17 at 10:42

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