Forever, and ever

I give you one step but still you stay with me. I back away from you and still you back along with me. I find myself in a world of illusion and I can't find the way out to you. I call for you and you take that one step and walk in towards me and the end of time and distortion. I'm losing my footing and gravity is failing the physics. Still you fly with me and hold my hand 'till the end in calling us down to earth. Calling us down to a limit of love, a limit of time, a limit of prays.

God will take our hands and lead us along his side to the place where space and time are mixed. The TV will show us our lives in slow-motion. Show us all the mistakes we made. And there is nothing we can do to rewind the tape or record a new era of time. The 21th century is long gone, life is long gone. Never lose your footing, you might lose yourselves. Life won't show you any good if you don't make it good. Feel the rhythm and dance along with the music. I do that.

Words by EveryoneElse
Read 761 times
Written on 2010-04-20 at 16:59

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