
The US has went straight to hell,
No one is brave enough to stand and yell,
Well I am so listen to what I say,
And let it sink in not just pass away,
Dear government I am talking to both sides,
And don't let this rise your little tides,
But while you are sitting in your big nice places,
Listening to people on the phone and getting traces,
I am praying to god if there is one above the sky,
That you will soon brutally and painfully die,
For the lives you have taken are gone forever,
You may be smart but your not that clever,
To try to hide you background from me,
If it has happened I will see it eventually,
And I just won't stand for this,
To me your not worth a piss,
My father fought for this country in Vietnam,
And he got screwed by good old uncle sam,
So to all you government facists your not worth a fuck,
And I just want to let you know that you really suck.

Poetry by Justin
Read 511 times
Written on 2006-02-26 at 23:25

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great poem i absolutely love it!!!
amber lynn

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
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