
Baby you are so pretty and so very very sweet,
You're like the frozen snow and the wet rain,
I hate to see or hear about how you fall,
But when I see you coming it messes with my brain.

I absolutely love to hear you say I love you,
And I wish I was there to see your face,
I feel so bad when I don't get to talk to you,
But when I am it makes my weary heart race.

I know you are sad right now and I wish you wasn't,
I know you loved him and it would in your voice chime,
But you have to get over the past things in life,
We can forget about this and put it behind us over time.

Jaime I love you with every thing I have,
And yes I love you with my twisted soul too,
You don't know what it is like not talking,
But you know if we never talked again I would still love you!!

Poetry by Justin
Read 517 times
Written on 2006-02-27 at 03:03

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what a beautiful poem she must be really special!!! god luck!!!!
amber lynn