Every night and every morn/Some to misery are born./Every morn and every night/
Some are born to sweet delight./Some are born to sweet delight,/Some are born to endless night.
William Blake
The Moon Walker
He had everything going for him
Everything he ever wanted, craved for,
Was his for asking...
And yet, one night
He was found dead in his bed
Alone, under mysterious circumstances...
The cause of death could not be ascertained:
Some said, over dose of drugs
Others concurred, too much drink...
Some were sure, it was broken heart!
MJ was not the only one, there were others,
Like Norma Genes, who only wanted love!
He wanted his childhood back!
So, he built himself the Never Land-
A dreamland he always wanted...
So he went about collecting
all the toys he could think of,
He also collected children, who loved the toys,
But, he goofed, got caught on the wrong foot!
There were litigations and accusations-
Right or wrong, that is immaterial-
What matters is, he got embroiled in one controversy after another-
Trouble after; trouble, till it was too complicated-
Too confusing even for himself to figure out...
So, he took refuge in drugs, drinks, and whatever have you...
But, reality he could not escape, deep inside he knew...
They always know deep inside...
What is it?
Why is it?
Why does happiness elude
Even those who seemingly have everything?
So, there is more to happiness, than
Material things?
So, Socrates was not wrong!
There is much more to happiness than
what meets the eye:
Is it peace of mind?
Freedom to do anything, say anything
Dream anything-at will?
Is it freedom?
Is it an easy conscience?
Is it a good sleep at night?
Free of trouble, full of sweet dreams...
What is it?
I think it is all of these together...
Blessed is the man who has these
Small pleasures of life,
But, so hard to come by,
So rare to find...
Who wouldn't give everything one has
For a peaceful sleep at night,
The indicator of a happy soul and heart...
Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh UP, India
Copyright © : Zoya Zaidi
17 June, 6 PM on watching ads. of Michael Jackson's posthumous concert
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1098 times
Written on 2010-06-21 at 10:47

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