Co-write with Wonder Woman ..but aman remains the best (*-^)

Innocence we Lost

That time was so beautiful,
with moments so enjoyable ,
when we were children
we used to take candies, used to wear half pants!
that time when patrol was so cheap,
yet i always rid my bicycle.
When there was no tension of girls,
but only study was there..
When we used to go school, and went to college then,
sitting in group with friends,
alas.. now we say hello or thank u ..
so many so-be called friends but even then
people ask .. why are u alone?

So I step slowly toward the corner,sadly turn my head
above toward the sky,and I weep memories..
every one asks the reason
behind the tears I weep,
and I answer that I just realized the
time when we were children
and we used to ride bicycle
and we used to wear half pants
and we used to eat those candies
and we used to play with innocence

Now, everything had changed, the jokes we crack,
the fake world, Life is like a metro, everyone just running
so fast ... faster than his destiny

Poetry by Aman
Read 593 times
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Written on 2010-07-11 at 20:09

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what can i say..u have such a sweet back ground :P hehee...amazing thoughs me aman...and ya sure ur the best :P