All that I can give

My heart I hand you in a locked trinket box, not so that you may not touch it itself,
but so that no other may come near what is truly, rightfully yours.
I give you notes of reassurance of your ownership of it,
in their words lie the commitment and faith of a thousand loves,
all the tales of great romance together bow before ours, and the key to it is forever in your grasp.
My body is yours, I will save it till I can give it to you in the purest form, for an apple is sweetest when it is given, not when it is stolen from the branches of its youth.
My mind, as with my heart, is already yours.
Not a second passes when you do not grace it's thoughts. I strive to bring us the best life possible, and I grow the most beautiful possibilities for us to share together as one.
My soul I share with you with God's blessing, it is he who brought us to this moment,
through trials he sent us and yet he leaves us on the cusp of an ultimate and sincere bond, strengthened and proven by such a journey.
It will pass beyond this life into our eternity.
My past, as with my present and my future are full of the wonderful tales that we have, or will share.
Such things are my most perfect dreams as we explore the world together.
We wake our children at Christmas morning, and our grandchildren on their birthdays.
Every ounce, every inch, every thought, every smile, I give to you.

Poetry by Che Thomas
Read 646 times
Written on 2010-08-12 at 21:19

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This is real commitment, and the love that is given through the blessing of God will always show to be a love that is strong. A love that stands tall through the strong storms of life.