A Man I Know

Well there is a man I do know,
I asked him questions all the time,
He answered to the best of his ability,
And he would feed me when I was hungry,
He would give me covers at nighttime,
He even gave up his last dollar sometimes for me,
He is indeed the best person I have ever met,
Sometimes sure enough he got mad as hell,
But he always moved past that quickly,
Sometimes he was an asshole so I thought,
But actually this man was a great person to me,
He loved me and was always there for me when needed,
He was my father,
My leader and guide,
Dad I just would like to thank you for everything you have did,
I love you,
Remember that always,
If I die tomorrow please don't cry,
For you have already cried plenty over me,
And I am sorry for every time I was an ass,
You used to tell me,
Justin you better straighten out and go the right path,
But it went through one ear and out the other,
And I remember you said if you don't you'll wish you would've,
And now I do....
Yes I do,
And father I know I am not a good kid,
But yet you love me,
That tells me something dad,
You're a good man,
Better than Jesus and better than the president,
They don't compare to you in my mind,
Even Martin Luther King Jr. as great as he was,
He just isn't as grateful as you...
No he sure isn't.

Poetry by Justin
Read 567 times
Written on 2006-03-03 at 02:51

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You are blessed to have a father like that.