Who to love, who to love?

The Object of my Affections

The ultimate ultimatum
A multiple choice
Tick the box
Which one rocks
My socks
In all desired ways?

The consummate consummation
My partner for life
Who will hold
Me when I'm old
And cold
On the darkest days?

The definite definition
Of adoration sublime
One we'll be
But still free
I chose me
Forever and always...

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 638 times
Written on 2010-09-17 at 02:36

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Purp....very interesting poem
and, being a dirty old man, the line about rocking
your socks was exciting

xxx Stan

I thought that was immoral? :-)
I especially like the first lines.
Clever and enjoyed.