Facing the mirror

Seeking in a depth of the inner self
Like facing the mirror without reflection
Saying aloud to your self
I am me . the one I hide
Not the one ,I have been playing in this life
Today I'm a new born baby
My hands open widely
To the world
Hug the happiness tightly
No fears , no weakness, no worries
I am free from all............

Poetry by Libyan Rose
Read 825 times
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Written on 2010-09-18 at 18:31

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

Thats the spirit. Hold this feeling and keep going..

Very Good! I like it.


Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
A beautiful poem, the inner self is so often a reflection - I like the anology of the mirror, thank you and thank you for your comments :-)

Elle x