Ill: kkc


I am a boy in Beirut
from downhearted to joyful
from miserable to optimistic
looking out
from my young ticking heart
my tanned beautiful body
no use in looking at it
so ready to be played with
strolling the streets
with my childish mind
on big alert
so many beautiful people
the heat is wonderfully caressing me
not a bad word about it
or he can fuck on back to
the cold Norway
the state of miserable
for a child like me
never learning to grow up
stealing moments of happiness
nobody else wants
reliving myself slowly in my mind
with new words
coming to me
as I slowly walk the streets
of Beirut

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 805 times
Written on 2010-10-02 at 15:06

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