Close friends have just posted pics of their new baby... Welcome to the world Liam Iversen. :)

Natural Selection

A tiny little hand
Wrapped around a pinky finger
Fresh eyes adjusting
To a world so blurry and new...

This little one has blessed me
Awakening my tired heart
His proud parents beam with pride
I smile to myself, with a tear..

Life has passed for some
The sadness, that felt like a tidal wave
Washes away with understanding...
With clarity I now see...

Mother nature takes away the old..
To make way for the new
The disorder of our universe
Is exactly as it should be...

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 709 times
Written on 2010-10-26 at 17:03

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Amy Valentina
You are so blessed and the poem is so heart warming...


How lucky we are to be able to put our selves in others shoes, or diapers, whatever the case may be :-)
I think youth is contagious.
Thanks for this...and Welcome Liam.