God knows everyones need and he fulfill in his own time ,so pray and you will get his reward one day.

God knows that I need soulmate

God knows that I need soulmate
to stay as a treasure in my heart.
Someone who be so truthful
Superior and moderate.

God knows that I want to smile
to go out of my harsh way
That I need a celebrity so charming
who can clothe my ache with adore.

God knows that I require the awareness
of a celebrity who feel for me
In the night when the moon shines
The light of romances shine on us
And flow sleeps in comfort togetherness'

God knows that I want to share
My happiness and bliss
My sorrowfulness and depression
with my soulmate who can wipe up my tears
And embrace me so affectionately.

So I may wake up to see
The first rays of the sun that shine in my eyes.
God knows the whole lot about me

Poetry by Ezna Stephna
Read 294 times
Written on 2010-11-26 at 20:01

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