(This poem was written after i had committed a crime and was punished for the same. I tried to tell myself a thousand times that i was not a criminal, but in the end i knew who i really was)

Mirrored mirage

I'm a thief
By means all I say not
I'm unimagined
I'm the dark in the white
The black in the light
I'm the hole in the gap
If I was right
Then why am I wrong?
Is in me then,
The cause of worry?
Across, afar
I come see a mirror
A presentiment abides
In what I see
I am a thief
I shall not know why.

Poetry by Nishath
Read 578 times
Written on 2010-12-16 at 12:26

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Personal truth is often the strongest
and the most inescapable.
We do not need the judgment nor the
condemnation of others for we are
our own judges and jailers.

Thank you John. It's true that life has a way of fixing things. And when that happens, you realize that it was meant for you to go through all those troubles.


John Ashleigh
A very sentimental peice - I have also commited crime and got what I deserved. But it has taught me so much. Life has a way of fixing things, even when you do not expect it, or think your life could be over. I relate to this, a brilliant peice of literature.
Thanks for sharing.
