i haven't written in too long


You are the breadth of my coiled armspan
boa constricted against the chest I can't leave,
and you still smell like hazelnut and shampoo
and I'm still dripping onto your shoulders.
"merry christmas baby, i'm drunk and i know you're mad but still"
On top of me, you gasped and came down hard
full lips, full arms,
and told me you didn't like having sex with me.
You bend every single bone in my fucking body
but it's my fault for being so pliable.
And I never did believe in Jesus –

Poetry by ggardens
Read 312 times
Written on 2010-12-27 at 06:11

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
A lot of power in these words. Well written and welcome to the bay.