18 months ago I wrote a few poems under {lost soul} ass you'll read
Now i wll go with my new name {Sprit Bear}

Lost and found

Lost souls wonder the wilderness of life.
I being one
You go through lifes unfair jorneys,
my upbrining was hard with a rotten father,
two decades pass.
Made peace and left him in Gods hands.

My loving Mother and Grandparents loved and prayed
brought me up,they passed one into gods,still they watch and pray.
I look after a mother who looked after me

I still wounderd for a short while.
then the carpet was pulled out from under my feet.
nervus break down,

Finaly the battle is over.
A brother in christ picked up the pieaces of my life
and brought me to christ and we prayed and I prayed..

It is one day at a time

What keeps me at peace is i feel i live in paridice
living on the coast of British Columbia ,Canada
in little city called Powell River.

Look it up on googel
and you decide

and let me know

Words by sprit bear
Read 357 times
Written on 2011-01-11 at 07:39

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Yours is a testament to the love and support of family through difficult times and faith in the journey that has led you to salvation. Inspiring story.

Beginning as a Lost Soul, then becoming a Spirit Bear says a lot in itself. We're all tested in the crucible of life, though some are tested more than others.

This poem is direct and honest, no ambiguity here. The Pacific Northwest is amazing, it sounds as if you've found your place.


josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Your life's struggle and the people who made you what you are are well presented here. Good writing.

We are all pots that have been broken and mended repeatedly. We all show the cracks and the mends. Some have pieces missing. You appear to be whole. Be proud of your cracks and mends. They mark you as a warrior. God has a role for you to play as a warrior. Listen... And be at peace.
