Look At Me Now

On the outside I am normal but look closer,
You will soon discover I am just a poser,
My guts are tangled and twisted,
My brain with smoke is misted,
Kids fuck with me in every single one of my classes,
But I take their shit instead of just beating their asses,
Now I have been kicked out of school,
I guess I am just another stupid fool,
Going down the wrong trail,
If I just had a boat to go sail,
For the remainder of my days,
And absorb me a few sunrays,
Then maybe for a minute I will feel right,
Maybe for an hour I will have better sight,
But I doubt that will ever happen,
Because I am really not a captain,
I am made from a weird material,
Made from a man that is superior,
To all of us average men,
That lose and can't win,
See in life even when you are so super gate,
You'll go to work and they'll count you late,
And when you're sad but still persist,
People will still try to slit your wrist,
People they try to hide secrets from me,
So I try harder to listen or maybe see,
What all is going down here,
But I can't because of the fear,
I can't see because of all these tears in my little eyes,
I don't believe what they say I have heard too many lies,
So I just sit in my corner of shame,
And try to find someone to blame,
For the way my life has been,
Why I did drugs when I was ten,
Why have trouble and me always mixed,
Why isn't my life getting good and fixed,
Well it has certainly been days now,
I come up with a person somehow,
It is my fault everything is so bad,
Think of the life I could have had,
But no I took a different road,
I wrote in a different code,
And look at me now.

Poetry by Justin
Read 561 times
Written on 2006-03-11 at 04:48

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
I KNOW you are a GREAT person Justin.
You need to be with positive people like Morpheus, Zoya & me instead
of the horrid negative F...Wicks that
try to drag you down because you are better then they will ever be.


Your life is more normal than you think. Lots of us go through similar things. Keep your head UP, and keep writing. You are amongst friends here..