Some thoughts on the irony of protesting...

Whose fight?

You can protest what you believe is
wrong in society - even while you are
part of it – and try to stop yourself
completely from supporting those

You can say no to fossil fuels and
supermarket monopolies and human
rights violations and anything else
you think makes the world a sad
place, hoping some changes will occur.

Or, on the other hand, you could stop
fighting, continue to exist, and become

Words by Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 687 times
Written on 2011-02-24 at 10:28

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John Ashleigh The PoetBay support member heart!
So much truth.

Thankyou for the insight. Irony always makes me think.


There is a definite irony to people travelling hundreds of miles to protest against the burning of fossil fuels.

Hmmm, choices, we all have them, you can only do what you can do, (or have a lie down 'til the feeling passes off!) Hi nice to see you posting.