I was never always a bigger brother. - 24th February 2011.

Dear brother.

Dear brother,

The wires of my mind asphyxiate
the knowledge that was meant
to be taught from me to you.
The pain I brought upon myself
obscured both logic and promise.
Now you have aged - and wisdom
seems a good friend now - inevitably
you'll live what I couldn't lecture.
I never left you behind,
But I did go and open a new chapter.
I may give you objects of affection,
but the true sad sorry comes
from none other than my own
journey - when I have finally
forgiven myself. Only then will
sorry be able to swim into the disheveled
waters of our past.

Words by John Ashleigh
Read 957 times
Written on 2011-02-24 at 20:02

Tags Regret  Life  Love 

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melanie sue
I only know from the big sis perspective, being the oldest over 3 brothers....and I am blessed to be growing closer to my 2 surviving brothers, especially my brother who is a year younger than me. This was very thought provoking and a pleasure to read.

John, you are blessed to have a brother to share the wisdom of your life with.

This is one of the best poems I have read in a very long time. Excellent in every way.

Yes! Get your shit together!
Honestly, I haven't the best big brother either tom my two younger sisters.
Your text with it its honest quality paints a picture of your present, now paint one of the future, or rather, of the present moving into the future.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Life is a great juerny , we have fall outs , usley with those we should not , wisdom , is hard earned , painful in the learning's , logic can seem to be at times elegiacal , pain comes in , but can goo as quick as it came , we tech each other much , i offtan have a fall out with my sister , we make it up well i do as I do :)

Ken D Williams

This resonates with me. I failed miserably as a big brother, though now, late in our lives, we have come to find something of what we missed in each other when we were young. There is more thaqn a little truth to Robert Penn Warren's "But the heart most mourns its own infidelity". Forgiving oneself is far harder than forgiving someone else.

I found this to be a most honest and insightful write. A stunner of an opening line.

I have not always been the best big brother and agree that
even with untoward experiences we may grow and gain wisdom. Lessons unlearned out of our days is a waste. But
should we take away something with us from our cuts and scrapes then we have lived a good enough life. You would make a terrific big brother. In fact there will come a day when some other artist/poet will come under your wing and you have been preparing for that time to come.

I have seen big brothers although I've only had a bigger sister and I must say, they are mixed blessing at times ;-)