start: to finish strong.
In the beginning...a big boom!
desert storms
Bold and Gentile
shouting and singing
a burning bush,
rampant forest fire,
the number one.
Nine – Eleven
infinity, everlasting
a rippled perfection:
GOD – is. EVERY, thing.
that is Love...
mourning Mothers,
sacrificing Sons,
the dying babies,
wise ole men;
that is Life.
GOD made - EVERY, thing.
lions rending sheep
lambs lying with lions
reigning amphibian
once and Future King
human being
un-ruly mobs
GOD in - EVERY, thing.
a flash of light
lonely darkness
timely marches:
to river-side
to mountain-top
into the fire...
on clouded shore-line
rising, falling, returning
a Crystalline Kingdom
clear thinking
a fitting ending, Amen.
Poetry by DKdrayton
Read 724 times
Written on 2011-03-10 at 19:48
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