start: to finish strong.

In the beginning...
a big boom!
desert storms
Bold and Gentile
shouting and singing
a burning bush,
rampant forest fire,
the number one.
Nine – Eleven
infinity, everlasting
a rippled perfection:
GOD – is. EVERY, thing.
that is Love...
mourning Mothers,
sacrificing Sons,
the dying babies,
wise ole men;
that is Life.
GOD made - EVERY, thing.
lions rending sheep
lambs lying with lions
reigning amphibian
once and Future King
human being
un-ruly mobs
GOD in - EVERY, thing.
a flash of light
lonely darkness
timely marches:
to river-side
to mountain-top
into the fire...
on clouded shore-line
rising, falling, returning
a Crystalline Kingdom
clear thinking
a fitting ending, Amen.

Poetry by DKdrayton
Read 769 times
Written on 2011-03-10 at 19:48

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Whether one believes in God or something else, or nothing at all, there is absolutely no denying the spiritual belief is this poem.

melanie sue
I like the accompanying artwork very much. Much Bible prophecy laced throughout this work in solid form! This is solid!

John Ashleigh
God can be any shape or form as long as we have faith. I enjoyed reading this, the use of language was good. Welcome to poetbay. Keep sharing!


Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Not sure about a divine entity but i am opened minded. Either way, for me, it takes nothing away from the poem. I enjoyed the read. It has a nice flowing rhythm and good imagery. Nice picture too! Thanks for posting.