I must maybe erase?

O, bay!

I'm so glad you are still there Bay!
I was trying to get in
and it was too much with the technicalities
the technology these days
it's too hard
it's too much
why so much?
just a little is ok with me
like the Japanese
making everything so small
I like that
you don't have to make it too big
why big?
who you wanna impress anyway?

I'm sorry Bay, I'm just trying to escape here
I'm really looking for some way into Peru, I think
oh to go Peru
with the Peruvian women
and the things
and the colors
and the everything
om my God



O, Bay
it's because I'm crazy
I come here and I ventilate
I'm sorry
I will one day try to write good quality poetry
or singing, I would love to sing for you
the whole goddamn Bay
I'm sorry that's come out the rude language sometimes
it's because I'm from Sweden
we have brutish temper
I'm sorry

can I please introduce myself another time?
good night!
(I love you Bay)
(and also that woman who I saw in a book about Peru)
(she had the morrhårs in her face)

Poetry by Karl Santa
Read 235 times
Written on 2011-03-21 at 12:08

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
You could write a poem about the wind whispers Magnus. Oh, I almost forgot, where is your horse? Do you remember?