a repost with artwork


amidst salt air and turbid sea
circular waters suddenly break
and the tremulous silvered foam
stretches upon the blue immensity
it permeates the sand
resting,then drawn again
out to murky seas
to renew a cycle
now altered
by sun and moon
and season's storm
these waves transform
into violent crescendos
crushing with cruel
mountains like glass
helpless to the forces
that renders them unkind
violating the shoreline
erasing sandcastles
without a trace
leaving nothing
in its place
until once again
the waves give in
and diminish their size
to what they had been
Amidst salt air and limpid sea
Circular waters that broke with ease
Tranquil remnants of soft silvered foam
Stretched serene on the green immensity

Poetry by melanie sue
Read 725 times
Written on 2011-04-03 at 05:37

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I enjoyed reading this poem. The language was like waves too. Well done!

Each line flowing into the next, and the next . . . I had to read it in one breath, as though I were being pulled into the tidal flow and then left "Stretched serene on the green immensity".
I have always wanted to live by the ocean . . . for a moment now I have.

Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
You write with beauty
in form as well as content
Thanks for sharing